"Story Time"
15-17 Years Old
So you know these are the years that you meet your first love right? RIGHHTT? So this is most likely your first relationship you experience real love in. There were many lessons that I learned in these vital development years. This is the time when I first got abused by someone. but it was short lived. His mother, who was a great woman and mother to her sons after their father passed away (you know what issues came with an absent father), taught me not to let any man abuse me, EVEN HER SON. Then she proceeded to say “she didn’t raise him that way”, but she did the best she could. Ms. A was a ol’head with a lot of mentoring knowledge to teach a young adult women that forever rang in my heart. I follow that advice till this day and I had other strong women mentors as well, but she was the only one who ever went against they own flesh and blood to save my soul.
Next thing is my “first love” was a young man, (fine as hell) (I like them like that, with athletic physique) around 20-21( some guys lie so much some times) so I really don’t know how old he really was at the time, could of been younger or a little older. Me being young, I never asked his mother how old he was, but looking back in hindsight, I should have. But anyway so this is funny. I’ve been wanting to tell this story publicly for years. So I was NOT Mr. “first love” first love (surprised, don’t be, remember he was already in his late teens, early 20s. Ms. D was his first love. Ms. D was fucking gorgeous, I would say, 5f 5in-5f 6in, short to long sandy curly hair, she was mixed with half black half white with light eyes (gray, hazel or green, can’t remember) (I could of shit myself or came on myself, I swear to the universe), who didn’t have a crush on this bitch, but I digress, LOL. When I was first met her I was having all kinds of feelings, happy, surprised, attracted, and a crush all at the same time lol. So the first time I met her was shortly after me and Mr. “first love” started dating exclusively. She came to his house ( Yeah she rolled up and knocked on the door), mind you their breakup was still fresh (I didn’t realize how fast guys moved between gfs then). I was there after school when I heard the knock on the door so I went to door to answer it and there she was, like there was a aura of light around her. First off, I said to myself, “this bitch is beautiful”, (still didn’t know who she was), until she introduced herself after she asked for “first love” and where he was at. So she proceeded to tell me who she was to him (the ex) and her name which I had heard from so many people. Once Ms. D found out I was the new gf, Ms. D proceeded to tell me that she was also still having sex with him or fucking him (I don’t know which one she said), but looked at her when she said it, like “O ok”. All I remember is that I was not hurt or upset when I heard her say it, but more like “ok well”, “I cant do nothing about that all I know is that you the ex and I’m the current gf”. Eventually their tryst came to an end either before or when she had got a new bf. I cant remember if I ever told him about our encounter. I think I did though, if so, I think he told me some bullshit and it was moved on. We finally ended our relationship when I was 17 and a half, when he went to jail. It was short, but we never got back together again because he had other issues that turned me off to any possible reconciliation.
What did you learn from this?